Community: Don’t Forget to Cast Your Vote


You know how the old saying goes – if you don’t vote, you can’t complain. Over the past few months we’ve featured Texan public officials, including governor candidate Wendy Davis and District 6 candidate Jimmy Flannigan. They’ve both expressed how important it is to get the vote out and have encouraged Texans to make their way to the ballots this Election Day. Austin YWCA Executive Director Diana Gorham has been doing her part as well, encouraging underrepresented community members to make their vote count too.

For those who haven’t voted early just yet, there’s still time to beat the rush. Early voting wraps up this Friday, October 31. And for those who don’t mind the crazy lines, Tuesday, November 4 is the day to elect the officials you’d like to see make a difference in Austin and all of Texas. Check voting locations where you are registered, and don’t forget your I.D.

Burning Question

Who do you want to see in office?


ballots, votes, flags, early voting


Additional information on voting in Austin

