Music: Turn Blue Tour with Special Guest St. Vincent


Missed St. Vincent at ACL this year? No worries – she’s returning to Austin with garage rock duo The Black Keys.

Coming in at number one on The Guardian’s “Best Albums of 2014” list,  singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Annie Clark’s self-titled album St. Vincent impressed many. With the eleven-track album, written and composed by Clark herself, she managed to solidify her presence in the music scene with a bold and refreshing blend of swooning melodies, vibrant synths and all around pulsating production that further establish Clark’s unique sound.

Since 2007, she has released three other solo albums and is known for songs like Birth in Reverse and Digital Witness as well as her collaborations with Scottish musician David Bryne and indie folk band Bon Iver. As for her connection to the LGBT community, which is frequently questioned, the singer proclaims she doesn’t really identify as anything – she says, “I think you can fall in love with anybody.” The Black Key’s the Turn Blue Tour makes a stop in Austin this Friday with special guest St. Vincent kicking off the show.

Burning Question

Did you know Annie Clark’s stage name, St. Vincent, was inspired by the hospital in which writer and poet Dylan Thomas spent his final hours?


big hair, synths, sounds, melodies, albums, music


Friday, Dec. 19, 8pm

Frank Erwin Center

Tickets start at $35

More from St. Vincent 

