Top 10 Must-See Lesbian Movies


We’re cranking out our lists of top LGBT films and we’re starting with “L.” Check out the movies that have made us laugh, cry, be brave, or all three! These are our top ten lesbian films that are definite must-sees!

10. But I’m a Cheerleader 1999
This 1999 satirical romantic comedy follows high school cheerleader Megan Bloomfield (Natasha Lyonne from Orange is the New Black) who is sent to conversion therapy by her family to “cure” her homosexuality. However, over the course of her stay, she realizes that she is indeed a lesbian with no plans on succumbing to the therapy treatment. This film has many themes, exploring sexuality, gender roles, and heteronormative societies. Its satire accompanied by its comedic elements gives this film a fresh perspective into the LGBT community and its just plain fun to watch!

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9. Better Than Chocolate 1999

Another 1999 hit makes our list– Canadian film, Better Than Chocolate. Balancing her new-found love (with her girlfriend Kim) and her new-found independence, Maggie finds herself accommodating her mother and brother in her home, all while attempting to keep her lesbian relationship under wraps. But overtime, she exposes her family to new experiences that are… well, “better than chocolate.” It’s a romantic comedy film loved and remembered by many. Better Than Chocolate is definitely a must-see for LGBT movie-watchers.

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8. Gia 1998

GiaThe first time I ever watched Gia, two things stood out most– the incredible performance by Angelina Jolie, of course, and secondly, the amazing story and legacy director, Michael Cristofer, brings to life. Gia takes you inside the life of fashion model, Gia Carangi, whose rise to fame in the modeling industry, passionate relationship with make-up artists, Linda, and life-altering drug addiction makes for one of the most compelling LGBT films ever made.

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7.Desert Hearts 1985

desert_heartsLoosely based on the novel, Desert of the Heart by Jane Rule, Desert Hearts is a lesbian-film favorite. Set in 1959, English professor, Vivian Bell, leaves New York City for Reno, Nevada, namely to divorce her husband. In that time, she crosses paths with Cay Rivvers, an open lesbian, who Bell increasingly develops a romantic interest in. This one’s a classic that just had to make our list. From 1985 to 2014, this one’s still a LGBT favorite and will continue to be.

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6. The Kids Are All Right 2010

MV5BMjE4NTMwNDg5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDY2ODE0Mw@@._V1_SX640_SY720_Debuting in 2010, and capturing the attention of many, this movie definitely made its mark, and a significant splash in the film world. The movie kicks into gear when two kids who have been conceived through artificial insemination, seek out their biological father. And when they find him, I’m sure you can imagine how the family dynamic begins to shift and brief turmoil engulfs their happy home life. The film collected raging reviews and rightfully so. Here’s another must-see that lands on our top ten list!

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5. If These Walls Could Talk 2 2000

4601When I first watched this HBO film, I was impressed, emotionally invested, and hungry for more after only ten minutes of watching. This film is separated into three different story lines, taking place in three different time periods, but set in the same home, whose lesbian occupants have changed over the years. It’s beautifully crafted and allows its audience to get a glimpse of these distinctive lesbian lives. If you’re a fan of LGBT films and have yet to come across this one– get around to watching this one as soon as you can.

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4. Pariah 2011

MV5BMTM1MTQyNTY3NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODk0ODk2Ng@@._V1_SX214_AL_The trailer for this movie, alone, will give you chills. If you don’t believe me, look for yourself. And if my word for it isn’t enough, this movie’s ratings say it all. Writer and Director, Dee Rees, delivers a powerful coming-out and coming-of-age story that is a definite must-see. The film captures the life of 17-year-old Alike, who is slowly but surely embracing her sexual identity under her unsupportive parents’ roof. This one for sure earns its spot on our top ten list.

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3. Fried Green Tomatoes 1991

fgt4This riveting tale of sisterhood is a classic and of course, a LGBT favorite. The film follows Evelyn Couch who befriends Ninny, a resident of a nursing home. Ninny shares with Evelyn the story of Idgie Threadgoode, a fierce, young and independent tomboy in Alabama during the 1920’s. It’s a film we all love for its charm and its memorable ensemble featuring Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy.

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2. Blue is the Warmest Color 2013

MV5BMTQ5NTg5ODk4OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODc4MTMzMDE@._V1_SX214_AL_Now, before you press play on this one, make sure to have your subtitles on. And after the subtitles are on, sit back and enjoy an extraordinary French film about Adele, a young woman whose life changes after meeting Emma, a blue-haired lesbian that allows Adele to explore her sexuality and grow into her true self, discovering both love and loss. While it runs a bit long, it’s worth the adventure of emotions this film will take you on.

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1. Boys Don’t Cry 1999

11164993_detFinally, we make it to number one. Boys Don’t Cry scores number one primarily because it is the must-see of all lesbian and transgender films. This 1999 Oscar-winning film depicts the life of Brandon Teena (born Teena Brandon), a young a lively soul who desired to live life as a man, and as a result, unfortunately met a tragic fate. Hilary Swank delivers an outstanding performance that serves Brandon Teena’s story and legacy very well. Boys Don’t Cry concludes our top ten list, landing in the number one spot as a must-see lesbian film– better yet, a must-see for the entire LGBT community along with its allies.

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