Tony Moran


Tony Moran’s name is synonymous with many of the top dance club anthems of the past three decades. Having worked with Mariah Carey, Rihanna, Selena Gomez and many others, this music producer and DJ has no plans to slow down anytime soon. He told us about his new album, Mix Magic Music, his Austin connection and what fuels his creativity.

What projects have you been working on lately?

These last twelve months have certainly been a busy time for me, in the best and most rewarding way. The new album represents a new brand and collective theme for me. It includes this incredible wealth of talent: Jennifer Holliday, Trey Lorenz, Ultra Naté, Deborah Cox, Nicki Richards, Frenchie Davis.

You’ve worked with some of the top names in the industry. Who were you most excited to collaborate with and why?

Most recently Anastacia, Deborah Cox and Jennifer Holliday. They’re each at the top of their game and absolutely unique. They have earned their place in the category of “diva,” yet they define it and their styles. Together or separate, that’s about as amazing as it can get. These artists agreed to sing a song that I had written specifically for each of them. The trust factor we have with one another through previous experiences is so great.

What drives your passion for music?

It’s like breathing to me. I don’t force the ideas. I drive myself insane to fine-tune them to a standard that I have for myself. I have moments where I’ve had questions about everything it seems, but the passion and the drive always wind up coming up with the same answer. It’s a blessing that I am extremely thankful for.

You’ll be at Splash Days this year in Austin. Tell me about your connection to the city.

I experienced it–one of the first and biggest circuit parties to DJ at–as revisiting the roots of where I found my passion for music early on. I will never forget the excitement of the people there and the charming ways that made me feel so welcomed. That kind of memory lasts a lifetime, though I have been lucky enough to have it happen on many other occasions. Each time I return to Austin, those feelings rekindle in an instant and all I want to do is give back and show how grateful I am.

Are there any nonprofits you have worked with or that you would like to work with?

I have a huge respect for those who offer their time, talent and money to help those who are in need, sick, or cannot help themselves. I am very active in my charity work, especially one in New York called Miracle House that is dear to my heart. They offer temporary housing to the friends of people with terminal illnesses who want to be with those they care about that do not live in the city. Great work and great people.

You’ve been making music for 30 years. Are there any musicians you have not worked with yet?

Many, always including George Michael, for reasons that are beyond his talent: his strength and bravery to discover his identity.

A good chunk of your success has been fueled by gay men in the club scene. Why do you think you’ve attracted such a big following in the community?

That I cannot answer so easily. I’ve always made music with just people in mind. To be embraced by a genre and become something special to a community like I have been is a connection that has been significant and will last for the rest of my lifetime. I am proud.

