

On Sunday, April 6, Jillian Michaels will make Austin her last stop in Texas as she takes the stage at the Long Center on April...


Technically the first day of Summer is June 21st, but we Texans break out the tank tops and crank up the AC around the...


One-dimensional moves are totally ‘80s. Multiple planes, multiple systems, and a prop or two thrown in—that’s where it’s at. Pure Austin Fitness Personal Trainer...


If you’ve ever attempted something considered “risky” you may realize that a crucial part of any activity in this category is basic balance and...


There is a lot of back-and-forth in the rock-climbing community about the usefulness of gym-based workouts in improving your climbing abilities. When you are...


We asked Pure Austin Fitness Specialist Phil Swain to recommend his “best of” exercises that he would go to most regularly given a limited...


Sculling is an explosive sport. That power generated through your whole body is part of why this sport is so addictive. Sculling is great...


Can you go to get your fill of strong, sweaty ladies on skates chasing each other to punk music-complete with headlocks, cannonballs, clotheslines, and...

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