

It’s probably fair to say that hunting for a job is a daunting process in the best of times; just thinking about a job...


I was one of 700+ Texans who registered in opposition to Texas House Bill 60 and Texas House Bill 16 at the bills' hearings...


In the fall of 2012, I visited a Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas clinic on East 7th Street as part of an L Style...


Necessity is the mother of invention, the saying goes, and in the case of AssistHers, it was necessity plus compassion that formed the organization. The...


Cecile Richards has social justice in her genetic code. As the daughter of the late Governor Ann Richards, and the president of Planned Parenthood...


Fertility management requires a good understanding of not only the medical needs of the patient, but also the emotional aspect of the journey. It...


Women tend to have thinner skin than men, which makes them more susceptible to damage from UVA rays. However, women have the benefit of...


Texas wine festival. In most of the world, it’s a term that sounds more like a punch line, akin to “Hooters cuisine” or “Albanian...

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