University of Texas Austin


Kathy Panoff revels in being a multitasker. She’s booking a modern dance troupe, avante garde theater group or a crowd-pleasing Broadway show. She’s in...


Ted Allen  is all about embracing vices. He explains that he’d quit smoking for several years but took up the habit in the busy...


“I don’t believe in titles, I believe in work.” This statement,
in response to a
question about his
 official title, neatly encapsulates 
Armando Zambrano’s abiding 
philosophy of...


“To inspire, to educate and to entertain – not always in that order,” says Jeffrey Jones-Ragona, artistic director of the Capital City Men’s Chorus,...


In a small, non-descript building on South Congress Avenue a machine is humming. Every day hundreds of tickets to concerts and events accounting for...


Lynne Milburn is a facilitator. She listens carefully to what others are saying, and then makes a calm, straightforward statement about her reactions and...


Stop. Close your eyes. (Not really, keep reading, just pretend like you’re closing your eyes for effect.) Now think of something boring and predictable....


Everything about the Texas Roller Derby Lonestar Rollergirls’ high-ceilinged warehouse practice space screams badass: the spray painted sign stating “Skate or Die” on the...

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