

Over two centuries ago, the founding fathers recognized that the basic human desire to express thoughts, opinions and ideas is invaluable and should be...


“You know, to be quite honest, I know this is not politically correct, but I never bought in that you are born, that you...


Texas Senator José Rodríguez (D-El Paso) might not be new to politics—he served as El Paso County Attorney for 17 years—but he is relatively...


The first It Gets Better video was posted on YouTube on September 22, 2010, and was uploaded by Dan Savage and Terry Miller. The...


As the Treasury Department and the IRS recently announced a rule that legally married same-sex couples would be recognized for tax purposes, we had...


Technically the first day of Summer is June 21st, but we Texans break out the tank tops and crank up the AC around the...


Bustling around his front yard, David Alan picks a Meyer lemon from a tree and some Mexican mint marigold from his garden. Inside his...


In the fall of 2012, I visited a Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas clinic on East 7th Street as part of an L Style...

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