

At 19, Dana Markus-Wolf knew exactly what she wanted to do: own a land surveying company. Quite a vision in 1977, when women in...


Every person’s skin type may be different, but in this area, each of us has a common variable: the hot Texas sun. Recently, there...


Summer is here, and water sports are surely on the short list of your midday outdoor workout options. Paddle boarding, wake surfing, wake boarding,...


Veronica Castelo looks gorgeous in front of the camera, but that’s part of her job. She’s also a smart, community-oriented journalist who enjoys being behind...


“It’s really cool. I think I went over to her room to ask for nail clippers or something, you know how you do in...


Summer’s here! All exercise between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. is going to feel best if it’s inside the air conditioning...


During the dog days of summer, outdoor workouts that begin after 9:30 a.m. should end with water, or preferably in water. But, it’s also fun...

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