

Every person’s skin type may be different, but in this area, each of us has a common variable: the hot Texas sun. Recently, there...


Anorexia. Bulimia. Self-induced starvation. Extreme dieting. Binge eating. Self-induced vomiting. When reading these words and phrases, most people think of an adolescent high school...


It’s always nice to get away, yet sometimes, with all the choices around you, why leave at all? We searched for the best choices...


The Texas summer is a thing to be taken seriously, in case you haven’t noticed. Days, sometimes weeks, of triple-digit temperatures march on relentlessly....


During the dog days of summer, outdoor workouts that begin after 9:30 a.m. should end with water, or preferably in water. But, it’s also fun...


It’s another scorching Texas summer with record highs and a sizzling sun so blazing hot you’re no doubt thirsty for knowledge (bad pun intended)...


Summer in Texas provides an interesting workout conundrum – too much sun! For a solid outdoor workout, I have to wake up before I...

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