

Pure Austin Fitness Personal Trainer Greg Galindo wants to make sure you are looking buff at the lake this summer. We asked him to...


Get ready to rip those abs out! Summer is here, and a strong stomach shows discipline. That’s hot! The best part of a strong...


Cat Cora is a food lover on a mission. Whether she’s competing against her fellow chefs on Bravo, opening new restaurants or working diligently...


The Cardio Queen, the treadmill troopers: We’ve all seen them. Day after day doing cardio. When we go for a workout, we want inspiration...


The alarm goes off. Whether sound asleep or wide awake, Austin firefighter Kat Casey springs into action. With only minutes to put on 50...


The Austin Distance Challenge may be wrapping up, but spring is around the corner, the days are getting longer and this is just a...


During the dog days of summer, outdoor workouts that begin after 9:30 a.m. should end with water, or preferably in water. But, it’s also fun...


Eight years ago, Ramsay Wall was an unfit smoker, a graduate student working on her PhD in English at the University of Texas. Exercise...

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