same-sex marriage


“Hayden rules the house,” said John Kerrigan, beaming. Sitting in the living room of Kerrigan and Billy Wilkinson’s modest two-bedroom south Ausitn home on a...


Girl meets girl. Girl falls in love with girl. Girl marries girl. Baby makes three. All in less than three years. Although some people...


Scott Creamer puts his heart into everything he does. Whether he is creating, working or loving, his approach is dedicated and inspired. In life,...


Sometimes Holly Lorka wears a sword on stage. Don’t ask her why, because that’s just a silly question. She wears a sword because she can....


Amy’s Ice Creams’ catering manager comes as is. On first meeting, she’s clearly unpretentious, energetic, open, and bright. She sports an attention-getting fauxhawk, eye-catching...


On a visit to Chicago in September 
2006, Consuelo Allen helped a friend prepare a special dinner party – a sort of early


Effectively lobbying Congress for passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and an expansion of hate-crimes legislation to protect GLBT individuals, and hosting a well-publicized...

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