same-sex marriage


There are a few people I would absolutely love to meet and interview. Rachel Maddow is at the top of the list. Why, you might ask?...


“When you meet someone that you’re so much in love with, you think, I’ll absorb this and do what needs to be done.” If someone...


Ultimately, a Pet Shop Boys album is what prompted Josh Finto to consider a career in design. While figuring out which direction his professional life...


Michael Raiford is a rarity. Deeply passionate about his work in the arts, devoted in the most endearing way to the love of his...


Shawna Parvin talks about the accident that altered the course of her life, both professionally and personally, as though it happened yesterday. On August 17,...


When Jena Recer and her wife Karen Phemister moved to Austin to act as caregivers for Jena’s elderly aunt, they quickly realized just how...


Although living in Austin is much easier than living in many other places if you are part of a same-sex couple, there is still...


“It’s really cool. I think I went over to her room to ask for nail clippers or something, you know how you do in...

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