

It’s summertime and the sun is blazing. This core-strengthening yoga sequence will help you cultivate your own solar radiance so that you can keep...


Summer’s in full swing and it’s high time to really trim the fat. Pure Austin promises: We have the man for the job. Former...


Bam! Greg Gallindo is running out the door of pure austin fitness, where he works as a fitness specialist, and on to lady Bird lake...


Summer is here, and water sports are surely on the short list of your midday outdoor workout options. Paddle boarding, wake surfing, wake boarding,...


Celebrate the arrival of spring with a group of friends on a softball field on a sunny day. It’s a lovely ritual and a...


One of the many rites of spring is to get out with your friends and enjoy a game of softball in the park. It...


Yoga rocks. In most permutations, it’s tough. It really brings out the inner warriors, inner demons, inner strengths, and inner weaknesses, when practiced with...


Summer in Texas provides an interesting workout conundrum – too much sun! For a solid outdoor workout, I have to wake up before I...

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