November/December 2011


"We have a surprise for you,” said Gary Cooper, grinning as he sat down for coffee. “We are going to get married–and this story will...


The holiday season is once again upon us. This special time of year, marked by holiday travels, gift giving, and parties, is a time to reconnect...


Nothing says “ready to take on the challenges of the new year” like some fully functional, ready-to-go-out- and-get-‘em workout wear. Pure Austin Master Fitness...


Since the dawn of time, people in our community have survived and thrived in a range of religious settings. Queer people have also created alternative sacred...


Rabbi Denise Eger has been in the trenches, getting her hands dirty in the fight for social justice both within the Jewish community and beyond,...


Karen Gross and the people at the Anti- Defamation League are cracking down on all forms of discrimination. Karen Gross is, in her own words,...


In my line of work, every night is a celebration. It’s a wonderful thing to get the chance to share in so many celebrations...


Cheese plates–when they’re bad, they truly are horrid. Few culinary choices slam the brakes on a well-cultivated atmosphere like cheap, charmless cheeses. But raise...

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