LGBT youth


Music has always been a part of Lisa Marshall’s life. Before she was a teenager, she would listen to Donna Summers and Pat Benatar,...


The modest apartment in Beirut, Lebanon, is pitch black, save for the golden hue emitted by the candles scattered on the floor over the...


Omar Lopez’s journey from sailor to activist began in a military kitchen. His long-time passion for food was a labor of love that came...


Saturday, June 5, will be a landmark for Megan Hodge that she’s unlikely to soon forget. At noon that day, she’ll celebrate her graduation...


John Livingston knows he’s a lucky guy. He has a family who loves him, a supportive social circle and a solid career. In effect,...


Talk about a colossal task. In 2004, the University of Texas at Austin tapped Ana Ixchel Rosal to form a new student support center from...


The Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy by Robert Leleux | St. Martin’s Press, $23.95 “There is no such thing,” Robert Leleux’s boisterous Texas mother, Jessica Wilson,...


For parents learning that their teenager is gay, there is no rulebook. Emotions and reactions can run the gamut from immediate acceptance to complete...

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