G Style


Can gayness be taught? In his new book How to Be Gay (Harvard University Press), David Halperin—A W. H. Auden Distinguished Professor of the...


You’ve been avoiding Chick-fil-A’s tasty chicken creations for years. Now, all of a sudden, even your straight friends know their fast-food fix includes a...


Texas is known for good beers, good chili, and good manners, but good liquor? Sure! These charming choices are just a few of our favorite...


Six years ago, Stephen Moser, Style Avatar at the Austin Chronicle, was given six months to live. Although his battle with prostate cancer continues,...


You know the old adage “you can’t help others if you don’t help yourself”? this is especially true during the holidays. Here are some...


My partner and I are looking into buying a house together. What do we need to know? Michael, Austin Number one—can you spend a sizeable chunk...


Donald Fowler has learned that when life puts a door in front of you, you’d better walk through it. Doing just that led him...


As the CEO of the Houston Arts Alliance (HAA), Jonathan Glus oversees an organization that supports and promotes the arts in Houston through a...

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