

What does it take to bring your “a” game to the bowling alley, other than a lot of practice? Outside the alley, you can...


Why is football so thrilling to watch? Few other popular sports combine strength and speed in such a way that you are treated to...


It is that time of year when Americans start thinking about going on a diet. The holiday season is over, and with it, most...


What is it about soccer players – that je ne sais quoi? They are almost always cute, if not plain sexy! Soccer is a...


Kathy Redden is an expert, proven fitness specialist at Pure Austin who has made a name for herself getting outstanding results for her busy...


Can you go to get your fill of strong, sweaty ladies on skates chasing each other to punk music-complete with headlocks, cannonballs, clotheslines, and...


Sculling is an explosive sport. That power generated through your whole body is part of why this sport is so addictive. Sculling is great...


During the dog days of summer, outdoor workouts that begin after 9:30 a.m. should end with water, or preferably in water. But, it’s also fun...

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