

Tight abs are a key to body confidence, and a confident body certainly aids in a confident mind. So, a strong core is paramount...


We asked Pure Austin Fitness Specialist Phil Swain to recommend his “best of” exercises that he would go to most regularly given a limited...


Summer is here, and water sports are surely on the short list of your midday outdoor workout options. Paddle boarding, wake surfing, wake boarding,...


Summer’s here! All exercise between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. is going to feel best if it’s inside the air conditioning...


Celebrate the arrival of spring with a group of friends on a softball field on a sunny day. It’s a lovely ritual and a...


One of the many rites of spring is to get out with your friends and enjoy a game of softball in the park. It...


Anxiety is a normal part of life. Speaking in front of an audience, interviewing for a job, going out on a first date with...


The Austin Distance Challenge may be wrapping up, but spring is around the corner, the days are getting longer and this is just a...

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