

Get ready to rip those abs out! Summer is here, and a strong stomach shows discipline. That’s hot! The best part of a strong...


Summer’s in full swing and it’s high time to really trim the fat. Pure Austin promises: We have the man for the job. Former...


It’s summertime and the sun is blazing. This core-strengthening yoga sequence will help you cultivate your own solar radiance so that you can keep...


Summer’s here! All exercise between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. is going to feel best if it’s inside the air conditioning...


One of the many rites of spring is to get out with your friends and enjoy a game of softball in the park. It...


The Austin Distance Challenge may be wrapping up, but spring is around the corner, the days are getting longer and this is just a...


Why is football so thrilling to watch? Few other popular sports combine strength and speed in such a way that you are treated to...

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