Christopher Carbone


Residents of Austin since 1997, they officially met through a mutual friend in Houston 20 years ago. Nelson is the Special Events Coordinator at...


What does it mean to eat healthy? For some, it means a breakfast of Greek yogurt topped with granola and whole wheat toast or...


Breaking the Surface inspired young gay men, jocks and bookish types alike. It isn’t the fact that Greg Louganis hit his head on his...


Gay. Vegan. Ironman. Maybe those are not three words that would typically be in the same sentence, but for Eli Oldham, the first two...


Imagine this: Your partner is in a devastating car accident, leaving him unable to speak from a comatose state. The prognosis isn’t good, as...


When you’re visiting the doctor, whether it’s because of severe allergies, the common cold, or simply for a basic checkup, you are fundamentally unguarded....


Russell Clayton and Jonathan Tieken met nine years ago when they were undergraduates at Texas A&M. Tieken, a native of Austin, works at Prelude...


Many experts have likened the rush of endorphins— chemicals linked with pleasure and happiness in our brains—that comes with physical exercise to the impact...

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