Austin American-Statesman


There’s a reason why CNN anchor Don Lemon’s coming out–in The New York Times and in his book, Transparent–caused such a media frenzy. Even...


Jenelle Shriner wears the label “nerd” as a badge of honor. She found herself adrift in middle school. Her parents were newly divorced, her...


“It’s really cool. I think I went over to her room to ask for nail clippers or something, you know how you do in...


Marques Harper is in the business of telling stories. And please, don’t worry that he might be judging your clothes, because he’s not. This newspaperman,...


I remember the first time I walked into a gay bar.
 Shortly after moving to New York City from New Brunswick, New Jersey, where...


The gospel story about loaves and fishes could be interpreted as a metaphor for how good deeds multiply themselves – propelled by some effective...


For a self-described wallflower, Michael Barnes manages to schmooze with Austin’s blue bloods, movers and shakers, and glitterati far more than seems humanly possible...


L Style G Style has endeavored here to single out many of the high points of gay culture and activism in Austin during the...

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