“We wanted more.” Those are the opening words of We the Animals, the kinetic, probing and fierce debut novel from New York native Justin...


I’d like a pound of your hard salami. The harried soccer mom stood, hands crossed, ponytail askew, eyes focused on nothing in particular. I...


Over the weekend, while we were celebrating our co-founder's birthday with tons of fun and cajun-boiled crawfish, lesbian widow Tracy Dice Johnson made an...


When Joshua Denning was earning his stripes as a young actor at Jeffersonville High School in Indiana, he was the lead in many productions—Peter...


In the heat of the summer, back in August of 2006, JoAnn Santangelo was a newly minted resident of Austin, having left Boston—where she...


Lindsay Muse’s first day on the job as executive director of the Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival was just a few weeks...

Photography by Michael Thad Carter


“I’d like to see a time when more of our artists are full-time working artists and not sort of cobbling things together in various...


Tom O’Meara, a longtime lawyer at a historic, blue- blood firm, as well as a teacher and military veteran, does not fit the stereotype...

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