We’ve been serving up some of our favorite LGBT films, and now, we’re taking a moment to recognize some of our favorite LGBT TV characters and personalities that we just can’t get enough of.

10. Ru Paul (Ru Paul’s Drag Race)
For decades now, Ru Paul’s been “wowing” us – from acting to singing and songwriting and now, hosting one of America’s most colorful and spunky television shows. Ru Paul’s Drag Race brings fierceness to reality TV and as one of our beloved personalities, Ru Paul continues to break barriers in cable television by crowning a new drag superstar every season!

9. Leslie Shay (Chicago Fire)
What’s hotter than lesbian EMT, Leslie Shay? Maybe the hit series that introduced us all to her: Chicago Fire. She’s respected, skilled, and dedicated, a character we can’t help but to love. And we can’t ignore the fact that her relationship drama will have you glued to your seat.

8. The Cast of Noah’s Arc
LogoTV brought them to us, and after two short seasons, we were sad to let them go. Luckily, Patrik-Ian Polk concluded the series with a feature-length film to tie up all loose ends. Still, we miss these guys and of course, we love them for being four of many pioneers in the world of gay television.

7. Stef and Lena Foster (The Fosters)
They’ve been crowned the it “mombians,” but for those new to such a term, they’re simply Stef and Lena Foster, two of our favorite lesbian characters. These two moms, with their kids in tow, make a tasteful and progressive splash in cable television. And we adore them for it!

6. The Ladies of The L Word
The L Word: another beloved show that’s no longer with us (but we can certainly stream it from Netflix). This cast is phenomenal, which is why we couldn’t just pick one to add to our list of favorite LGBT TV characters. And we know how crazy L Word fans are over these ladies. So, who’s your favorite?

5. Mitchell & Cameron (Modern Family)
The Fosters may have made a splash with Lena and Stef, but Modern Family equally impresses us with Mitchell and Cameron, another LGBT couple raising a family before America on cable television. We’ve grown to know and love this pair and we hope to continue to see LGBT families being portrayed in film and television, especially when it’s done respectfully and tastefully.

4. Cyrus Beene (Scandal)
The man we love to hate… or hate to love. Cyrus Beene is Scandal’s own gay republican taking the White House by storm. Thank you, Shonda Rhimes, for giving us such a complex and rowdy character that we can surely appreciate. Sure, he can sometimes be the evil guy, but he’s a sort of evil guy who sometimes has a conscious and that makes him a tad bit easier to like at times. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for Cyrus next season!

3. Jack McFarland (Will & Grace)
He’s a long time favorite and we’ll remember this character forever! Not just for being the self-absorbed, rather dramatic, and theatrical gay guy in the long-running TV series we love so dearly, but because he was unashamed, and best of all, funny! We’ll always be attached to Will and Grace, but moreover, we just can’t resist Jack McFarland, especially when paired with sidekick, Karen.

2. Paul Lynde (Hollywood Squares)
Paul Lynde is not just a favorite of ours; he’s a pioneer for LGBT television personalities. We got to enjoy Lynde on the popular game show, Hollywood Squares, where he’d frequently hint at his true sexual identity through his snarky and outrageously funny comments. And you can’t forget that distinctive laugh of his. He’s truly one of the gems.

1. Piper Chapman & the Gang (Orange Is the New Black)
Of course we couldn’t complete our list without the ladies of Orange Is the New Black. It’s quite hard to pick which LGBT character’s our favorite – Piper or Alex? Sophia, maybe? This talented cast (some LGBT characters and some not) is changing the game with their most-watched Netflix series and they’re doing it right by keeping viewers on the edge, hungrily waiting for a new season. The good news is, season 2 is finally here for all of us to enjoy!