Good vs. Bad Fish


Austin is a funny place when it comes to seafood. It’s health-conscious enough to have good-for-you seafood choices, but it’s far enough from the sea that it can be difficult for anyone who’s from here to know how to forage for fish with grace. For the times when you’re unsure, here are a few tips for purchasing the best pescado.

Sniff it

“Eww, it smells like fish,” really means, “Eww, it smells like decomposing rotten fish!” If the smell of a fish (or a store) makes you want to do an about face, trust your gut.

Poke it

Looking at prewrapped fillets? Go ahead. Poke that fish flesh with your finger. If it’s not particularly resilient, it will probably be particularly revolting.

Gaze into its eye

The freshest fish will have eyes that are bright, shiny, and clear. Cloudy-eyed fish may make for a regrettable dish, and nobody wants that.

Map it

Closer is usually better. We’re not trying to talk smack, but American and Canadian fishing regulations can be more transparent and dependable than those in many other countries.

Go Wild

Overfishing is a real problem, but nutritionally speaking, data indicates that wild-caught fish provide more protein and Omega-3 fatty acids than farm-raised fish (not to mention the envi- ronmental effects those funky farms can have.)



