My First Time


Every experience has a first time. It can be triumphant or embarrassing. It can be forgetful—or, in those rare, beautiful moments, it can be profound and life changing. But no matter what the outcome, there lies a story behind every first time. With our video series My First Time we invite people to sift through recollections and reflections to find the stories that touch us, be it with humor, familiarity, wonder, or inspiration.

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My First Time Videos
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My First Time with David

David C. Smith is one of the busiest men on the planet. Currently the Director of the Thinkery, an innovative children’s museum in Austin, David chairs… READ MORE


My First Time with Prentiss

Prentiss Douthit is the Ride Director of the Hill Country Ride for AIDS, the most successful single day AIDS ride in the country. But he harbors a secret: he only recently bought a bike, and he’s admitted… READ MORE

My First Time with Megz

Megz Tillman is a triple threat. No, make that a quadruple threat. She’s a filmmaker, the head writer for L Style G Style, a poet, and a hip hop MC. Originally from New Orleans, she was surprised by… READ MORE 

My First Time with Chingri

Chingri Shimray is tattooed and brazen, and she refused to wait to party. Underage but audacious, Chingri snuck into… READ MORE

photo-1About The Producer & Director Dale Cannedy-Azim 

Dale Cannedy-Azim is a writer and filmmaker who has worked with Hulu, the University of Texas, and the Austin Post. He is a graduate of UT and Bard College, where he studied screenwriting and experimental film. He currently produces music videos with the Austin company Uncle Flood.

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