Festival: Austin Film Festival Preview


Are you ready for four days of panels and workshops and eight days of films and parties? This week, Austin Film Festival and Conference recognizes some of the film industry’s most renowned writers and filmmakers, with over 180 screenings and more than 175 interactive panels. Big names confirmed to attend include Jon Stewart, presenting his directorial debut, Rosewater, this year’s Extraordinary Contribution to Film Award recipient Edward Zwick, and Transparent actor Jay Duplass.

AFF even has a few gems for LGBT festivalgoers, spotlighting films like Skin Deep, a heartwarming tale following an unlikely pair, one facing terminal melanoma and the other a local grungy lesbian, pushed beyond their comfort zones, and The Suicide Theory, the story of another unlikely pair, a serial suicide-attempter and a violent and bizarre man, bonded by tragedy. In addition to film screenings, Orange is the New Black writer Lauren Morelli, who recently came out, will be a panelist in AFF’s “Finding your Voice” and “Inside the Writers Room: Orange is the New Black” panels.

Burning Questions

What’s your must-see film screening at AFF?


films, panels, workshops, writers


Oct. 23-30
Various locations
Both individual tickets and festival badges available.


Skin Deep preview above

