Community: The Octopus Club Presents VAMP


Got a one-of-a-kind costume and waiting for the perfect event to show it off? Here’s a tip: join The Octopus Club on Halloween for VAMP, their first ever costume and dance party.

The Octopus Club is an all-volunteer organization committed to raising funds for the Paul Kirby Emergency Fund at AIDS Services of Austin through annual events and parties. This Friday, they are planning a thrilling and chilling night, featuring Chicago DJ Seth Cooper, a costume contest, complimentary cocktails, and raffle prizes, including a Utah ski vacation and an ACL Package with Austin’s Wonder Woman of Drag, Ms. Kelly Kline, the mistress of ceremonies for the evening. Sharpen your fangs and dress to impress for a party with a cause.

Burning Question

What are you going as for Halloween this year?


fangs, vampires, ghouls, goblins, costumes, candy, cocktails, good cause


Oct. 31, 8:30pm – 11:30pm
Ironwood Hall
Purchase tickets

