Community: Midnight in Wonderland


A night in Wonderland is just what the doctor ordered. The Wright House Wellness Center is hosting its grand fundraising event of the year, “Midnight in Wonderland” and it’s a fall charity event you don’t want to miss: The annual party helps raise funds and awareness to support Central Texans affected by HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C. Since 1988, The Wright House Wellness Center has served people impacted by HIV/AIDS by providing affordable resources, education and counseling. “Midnight in Wonderland” presents a chance for the center to continue servicing those affected or at-risk.

With fanciful inspiration from the Lewis Carroll classic, the evening in Wonderland offers fine cocktails, hor d’oeuvres from Alfred’s Catering, and live music performances from THAT Damned Band, Divas in Austin, and The United Court of Austin. Guests can also leaf through dozens of silent and live auction items – art work, jewelry, vacation packages and more. Head down the rabbit hole for an evening of fun and entertainment in support of a community in need.


**CONTEST until Wed. Oct. 15th: WIN free pair of tickets & be guests at our L Style G Style table**


Burning Question

Are you entirely bonkers?


wonder, Alice, entertainment, music, art, cocktails, awareness


Friday, Oct. 17, 6pm-10pm
Bullock Texas State History Museum
Purchase tickets

