Community: Center for Creative Action Grand Opening


Creativity has found a new home in Austin, and it calls for a grand celebration. Join the Center for Creative Action for its grand opening this Saturday. The newly built Center for Action in East Austin will give children and teens, a second home to express their creativity and inspire them to be creative artists. Through community-based programs, interactive classroom activities, and after-school arts programs, the nonprofit organization seeks to support academic, social, and emotional development of young kids and teens. In 1997, Creative Action began under the name “Theater Action Project.” After developing a host of new programs with the help of now-Executive and Artistic Director Karen Lashelle, the organization was able to serve and support new populations (including detained youth and youth in low-income housing complexes). As growth continued, the organization re-branded under the name Creative Action, a name that would better reflect the organization’s mission.

The grand opening event features student films in Creative Action’s movie house, gives attendees the chance to create works of art and learn new crafts, and more. Creative Action is also part of this year’s East Side Studio Tour, showcasing the works of Creative Action friends, donors, board members, volunteers and teaching artists at the “Creativity Has a Home” exhibition.

Burning Questions

What inspires you to get creative?


arts, celebration, crafts, kids, creativity


Nov. 15, 1- 4pm
2921 E. 17th St., Bldg. B

