
Cody Butler


Cody Butler has muscular arms which are a sight to behold. Although they help with marketing his boot camps, his personal fitness beliefs transcend...



Drug and alcohol addiction retains a tremendous stigma in our society. So does being a member of the LGBTQ community. Kimberly Allen, founder and president of...


3 of Cups founders Jess and Coley are helping to ensure all couples have the ceremony they dreamt about, even same-sex couples.


I haven't been a runner for a long time, but I've done a few races. Half marathons and one full marathon. Even a little...


Caitlyn Jenner - heroine or opportunist? Love them or hate them, the Kardashians are everywhere. The notoriously media-hungry family is known for sharing anything...


According to the American Lung Association, tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death and disease. It is responsible for approximately 393,000 deaths...


As of today you can be fired in 29 states for being lesbian, gay or bi and in 32 states for being transgender. Let...


Smoking has been on the decline in the United States for many years. But within the LGBT community, the smoking rate remains higher than...

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