Sam Armstrong

Sam Armstrong was first bitten by the culinary bug in 1979 (at the age of six) when his dad took him to The Stallion on Lamar Blvd. for his first chicken fried steak. After sacking a grocery or two in high school, his culinary career has included steering the marketing efforts at Le Cordon Bleu Austin and helping build Central Market's visual identity.


Halloween and Thanksgiving and New Year’s and Valentine’s Day and President’s Day Weekend are over and you’re really ready to tackle that promise you...


Drunk and stumbling around Rainey Street? The Art of Tacos truck, located at the Backyard Eatery, may be your best destination. But if you’re...


It’s a pretty common misconception that French food has to be fussy and complicated. Chef Sarah McIntosh (of Olivia restaurant fame) is turning this...


Oh, Texas. Why can't you even pretend like we're going to get some winter weather? How great would it be if we could all...


With players like Executive Chef Rene Ortiz, Pastry Chef Laura Sawicki (winner of Food & Wine’s “Best New Pastry Chef” award,) and renowned architect...


Texas is known for good beers, good chili, and good manners, but good liquor? Sure! These charming choices are just a few of our favorite...


Crock-Pot Mulled Wine OK, call it a slow cooker if “Crock-Pot” sounds too trashy, but this is one of the best, easiest ways to keep...


Not sure what to do with that salmon? Don’t get upset. Just remember the 10-minute rule and you’ll be ok. The process is simple; first, measure...

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