Lynn Yeldell

Lynn and her partner, Alisa, co-founded L Style G Style. She is a New Orleans native, passionate traveler, connector and investor. As the first female Student Body President at the University of Alabama, she loves politics and SEC football with equal fervor.
XVII Education UK Exhibition 2015 in Moscow via photopin (license)


If you intend to travel within Europe, you most likely will need to obtain a visa(s) to complete your travel plans. Europe requires several...


How important are the protections afforded by domestic partnerships and marriage equality? Is it better to be confrontational with your advocacy or are we...

Ian McKellen as Mr. Holmes


Sherlock Holmes is enjoying a bit of a revival these days. In the British television series Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman give a modern-day spin...


As a perfect "send off to summer," Splash Days has always been a festive way to celebrate the Labor Day weekend. Although open to all,...


Matt Swinney, founder of Austin Fashion Week, will be quick to tell you he’s not your number one fashion expert. In fact, he’ll even...

Monica Lewinsky at TED 2015


In 1998, White House Intern Monica Lewinsky became "patient zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale." Yes, she made a mistake....


Jarl Mohn has had an impressive career in both radio and digital media making him uniquely, if not overly qualified to take the helm...


On Friday, March 6, Jane Lynch will take the stage at the historic Paramount Theatre for her first live performance in Austin. "See Jane...

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