It isn't any secret that smoking cigarettes is bad for you. However, that doesn't seem to stop them from being popular. Even today, when...

Smoking  is still one of the world's most infamous serial killers. According to the American Cancer Society, while lung cancer is the most preventable...

Smoking is terrible for your lungs, heart, and immune system. The carcinogens in cigarettes shorten your life. Despite this being common information, people continue to...

Today's medical treatments have dramatically increased the lifespan of HIV+ persons, so it's easy to forget that smoking cigarettes can affect this group more than...

  “Every time I would go out with my friends and we were on the dance floor having a good time, they would be like,...

Smoking poses a significant health risk and remains a leading cause of death around the world. Tobacco use causes more than six million deaths...

According to the American Lung Association, tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death and disease. It is responsible for approximately 393,000 deaths...

Traveling anywhere is a challenge. When you're an LGBT couple, however, you may find that travel is more difficult than for other families. By following these...
XVII Education UK Exhibition 2015 in Moscow via photopin (license)

If you intend to travel within Europe, you most likely will need to obtain a visa(s) to complete your travel plans. Europe requires several...

As of today you can be fired in 29 states for being lesbian, gay or bi and in 32 states for being transgender. Let...

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