A word from Gain columnist Lynn Yeldell: For the past few months, we have discussed wealth from a traditional investment perspective. But that is...

There’s form and there’s function. Then there’s form fitting function and functional forms. So it follows, there’s ritual and there’s drinking. Then there’s ritualistic...

For parents learning that their teenager is gay, there is no rulebook. Emotions and reactions can run the gamut from immediate acceptance to complete...

About 20 years ago, Elaine Martin and Dorsey Barger had a fresh idea. These days, Martin is the big cheese and Barger spends much...

Valerie Davis is a fat cat. And she’s quite content to be so. In fact, it’s a distinction that this co-founder of Enviromedia Social...

Have you ever tried to ignore your body? It might seem an easy fix for a while, but eventually it catches up with you,...

Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world today, although it is still relatively obscure in the United States....

The history of the scarf dates back at least as far as ancient Rome, long before the infamous necktie, which itself was derived from...

Although you're investing for the long term, you'll still probably need to make some changes as time goes by. Your financial situation and your...

Who comes up with these scenarios? It was interesting to listen as people piped up passionately. “Sight, of course.” “No, no, hearing. What about...

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