08/3/2015 - 08/7/2015 | Monday | All Day
Trinity United Methodist Church
4001 Speedway
Austin ,

August 3-7
GENaustin’s summer day camp, campGEN presents “Relate, Communicate & Celebrate!” This camp is all about relationships! Girls will celebrate girlhood and what makes them unique. Girls will reflect on their relationships with themselves, their families, friends, peers, community, and the world. Girls will practice confident communication skills for building relationships and resolving conflict. This camp will help girls to feel more confident navigating their relationships and their community. CampGEN is for girls entering 4th – 7th grade. Cost: $300. For more information or to register visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/genaustins-summer-camps-2015-tickets-13808514639?aff=es2&rank=1
Limited scholarships are available. Girls may be placed on a waiting list and will be notified one month before camp if they received a scholarship. For questions about camp or information about scholarships contact Blair at blair@genaustin.org. 512-808-4044 Ext. 106