04/7/2016 | Thursday | 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
The Off Center
2211 Hidalgo Street

Rude Mechs is proud to present the second draft of Field Guide, a new play that asks you to understand life the way a bird book tells you how to name the different species. Field Guide will capture the discrete experiences which add up to a so-called life in this present national community arrangement you’ve become involved with including advice clubs dog parties and cardboard pain meters that can distinguish with a new accuracy your own level of discomfort relative to friends or friends on facebook or characters in fiction who have begun for the Rudes to walk out of the books like the Brother Karamazov and do our chores with us making lunches and taking the kids to work and helping us compose our new performance Field Guide as stand up routine road tested in all the open mic comedy clubs to get the temperature just right so you can know which laughter at the right agony is most advantageous for achieving climax every time and spectacle
Production Support: Field Guide is commissioned and developed by Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT, James Bundy, Artistic Director and Victoria Nolan, Managing Director. Creation support for this project also comes in part from from The MAP Fund, a program of Creative Capital supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, Mid-America Arts Alliance and foundations, corporations and individuals throughout Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas, and The National Endowment for the Arts, because a great nation deserves great art.