Elegantly Queer Tango Workshop

    01/21/2017 | Saturday | 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

    Austin Uptown Dance
    8868 Research Blvd, Ste 706
    Austin,TX 78758

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    Come as you are and discover the subtle and elegant dance of tango in the company of friends and allies. In Queer Tango you will explore both roles as leader and as follower. This allows everyone to appreciate both sides of the partnership and help foster your unique and authentic tango expression.

    “Great techniques used to socialize while learning to tango…cool instructors!” -LaSaan

    We will play fun games to meet and connect with other workshop participants as we learn to tango. This workshop will prepare you to dance tango at the numerous venues and events in Austin.

    Corazon Tanguero “made me fall in love with this dance in just the first hour! His passion for it is evident! Highly recommended.” -Victor

    In addition to all the tango fun, Austin Queer Tango will provide a tango photo booth to make this workshop a true celebration of fun and learning ?

    All classes and events are open and affirming. We welcome all genders and sexual identities

    “Very welcoming and inclusive! They love to share this dance with all and all are welcome” -Michele

    No partner necessary and no experience required. Come with two left feet! We will have several right feet and are waiting for you!

    Leather soled shoes recommended. We will pivot on the dance floor, so wear shoes that are secure on the feet and don’t grip the floor. Socks without shoes can substitute.

    Purchase Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/h8sbtmk


    1:00 – 1:15 Check-in & Setup

    1:15 – 2:30 Tango Essentials
    Building your foundation
    Exploring the roles of leader and follower
    Connecting with your partner

    2:30 – 2:45 Break time & Photo booth

    2:45 – 4:00 Role’ing Out Tango Turns
    Dancing heart-to-heart: “Look ma, no hands!”
    Defining your dance role
    Turns for dancing in place

    4:00 – 4:15 Break time & Photo booth

    4:15 – 5:30 Dance Culture and Improving the Narrative
    Dance consent: Giving and receiving a “no”
    Getting closer
    Putting it all together

    5:30 – 6 pm Practica: A time to practice tango

    Purchase Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/h8sbtmk

    Corazon Tanguero seeks to:

    Further the normalization of tango dancing for same-sex couples and genderqueer individuals
    Create safe spaces to learn tango among members and allies of the LGBTQ community
    Empower students to dance tango at the numerous venues and events in Austin

    Purchase Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/h8sbtmk


    A big Thank You to our sponsor:
    Kim Whitted of Meche Organic Salon



