11/15/2014 | Saturday | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Center for Creative Action
2921 E. 17th St., Bldg. B

Celebrate the grand opening of the Center for Creative Action. We’ll have activities for friends and family of all ages! This event is free and open to the public. Create a work of art, join in on the drums, act out a character in our photo booth, watch student films in our movie house, or learn a new craft! Free snacks and drinks for kids, teens, and adults.
Creative Action is very excited to be a part of this year’s East Side Studio Tour. Attendees will view original works from Creative Action friends, donors, volunteers, board members, and Teaching Artists as part of our “Creativity Has A Home” exhibition.
For more information – http://creativeaction.org/news-events/grand-opening/