12/4/2015 - 12/5/2015 | Friday | 6:00 pm - 2:00 am
The Paramount Theatre
713 Congress Avenue

Austin non-profit Black Fret will host its second annual Black Ball gala on Friday, Dec. 4 at The Paramount Theatre, located at 713 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701. The event will start at 6 p.m. and will feature performances by many of the 2015 Black Fret Nominees and special guests. Those who wish to attend the Black Ball may become a member of Black Fret by signing up at All Black Fret memberships provide entry for the member and a guest to all upcoming Black Fret events including the Black Ball.
Black Fret is a public charity headquartered in Austin whose mission is to empower musicians to create and perform great new music. The organization is an innovative evolution of the age-old symphony patronage model that is focused on supporting popular local music. Together, Black Fret’s limited membership will build an endowed institution capable of sustaining more than a million dollars a year in grants to Austin’s artists.
The class of 2015 grant nominees include Aaron Behrens, Casey McPherson, Dan Dyer, Danny Malone, East Cameron Folkcore, Gina Chavez, Holiday Mountain, Jazz Mills, Max Frost, Migrant Kids, Mother Falcon, Nakia, Not in the Face, Riders Against the Storm, Ruby Jane, Shakey Graves, Shinyribs, Tameca Jones, The Digital Wild and The Nightowls.
“The music being made in this town is more incredible than ever. And its being made against a landscape more challenging than ever,” said Colin Kendrick, Black Fret Founder. “Our Black Fret Artists, Members and Advisors have created a community that celebrates and supports our local music in a very real and very relevant way. Joining Black Fret makes you a part Austin’s amazing music scene. And we are going to celebrate it together on Dec. 4 at the Paramount.”
“Our members continue to amaze us with their passion for our local music, our city and our musicians,” said Matt Ott, Black Fret Co-founder. “So many of our members have told us that they had been looking for a way to support our local music in a meaningful way and that Black Fret gives them that opportunity. Because of their passion and commitment our Black Ball will make an even bigger impact in 2015.”