Partner Profiles and Promotion


Everyone Has A Story
Hire us to tell yours.

Since 2007, we have spotlighted LGBT individuals and helped businesses grow.
Below are some of the ways we can help develop a custom package to promote and advertise your brand and/or business.

Sample Video Partner Profile - Bridget Dunlap of Mettle

Sample Video Partner Profile – Bridget Dunlap of Mettle

Video Partner Profiles – According to BusinessInsider, video advertising is the fastest growing advertising medium with the highest click-through rate. Our team of expert storytellers follow a three step process of creating, producing and promoting your custom 2 minute video. You will receive an imbed code to your video which can be used throughout your own site, newsletter, social media and more. Rates start at $4,500 and more samples can be found here.


Jamie Grant and Tony Jilek. Photography by Casey Chapman Ross

Sample Written Partner Profile – The Long Center


Written Partner Profiles – Our experienced team of writers will interview you and your team to produce a custom 750 word profile highlighting your unique business offering and community connection. Four photos will accompany your partner profile which will be hosted on our site and promoted through our numerous distribution channels as well as your own website, social media, newsletter and more. Rates start at $2,500 and more samples can by found here.


Sponsored Stories – Do you love Piper of Orange is the New Black? Are you a sucker for a great love story? Do you believe in marriage equality? Is travel your passion? Our Sponsored Stories are an easy and efficient way to align your business with the most relevant content we are curating on a daily basis. And with 1,000+ archived stories, we have an extensive library of leaders and topics to chose from! Rates start at $500/month and a sample layout can be found here.

Sponsored Story banner sample

Consulting Services – As a fully digital online media company, our team has years of experience in creating and distributing content. Starting at $250/hour, we can help provide support and insight for the following:

  • Creation of relevant online content to increase interest and traffic to your website
  • Social media feedback and guidance with Facebook Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn
  • Asset creation of videos, photos and stories to help connect you and your brand to your community or audience
  • Google Analytics support to actively monitor online activity

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