02/18/2015 - 02/22/2015 | Wednesday | All Day
Various Austin Locations

OUTsider is a multi-arts queer festival and conference based in Austin, TX that celebrates the bold originality and creative nonconformity of the LGBTQI and Ally communities through the presentation of provocative, overlooked and out-of-the-box film, theater, dance, music, writing, performance art, visual art and scholarship. Through its annual festival and conference, OUTsider will join together queer artists, audiences and scholars from around the globe to exchange ideas, ignite conversations, transcend boundaries and experience new pleasures through artistic discovery.
OUTsider breaks the traditional one-medium festival model through a mixed-up multi-arts experience that bridges disciplines in order to activate the full power and brilliance of LGBTQIA creation and community.
OUTsider rejects the common separation of artistic practice and appreciation through an intertwined festival and conference that encourages meaningful, galvanizing interactions between artists, scholars and the general public.
OUTsider believes in the power of new forms of art and community, and stands in solidarity with all outsiders everywhere.
The Salvage Vanguard Theater is home to most of OUTsider’s performances, screenings and exhibitions, however we also have live music events at in.gredients, Gay Ballet and Queer Cuts at Windmill Bicycles, an art exhibition and play at The Vortex Repertory, live music at Cheer Up Charlies and Dozen Street Bar. There are also events at School House Pub and Mi Madres.
Get your badge, more info and see the numerous locations you can find OUTsider here!