04/4/2015 - 04/5/2015 | Saturday | All Day
Holiday Inn Midtown
6000 Middle Fiskville Road

Head to Austin to help support and enjoy Texas’ first ever gay geek convention!
A partial schedule of events has been released for HavenCon, a new Texas convention planned for April 4-5 which aims to bring together the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer members of popular culture geekdom in a friendly environment. Its schedule so far includes video game tournaments, cosplay events, and guest speaker panels alongside some community video and tabletop gaming.
For the attending video gamers, HavenCon has partnered with the local Texas team at eSports networking website Gamers Beard to provide a lounge for casual and competitive gaming. A Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare tournament is scheduled to run Saturday, April 4. On Sunday, April 5, con-goers can tackle some competitive Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Indie developer and publisher Finji Games will be in attendance, showcasing some of its in-house games alongside those from the developers under its publishing wing. Some of the Finji Games developers are also scheduled to speak during HavenCon’s panel sessions about their experiences in game development.