11/9/2014 | Sunday | 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Brass House
115 San Jacinto

Cause for Colonel
After 29 years of exemplary service, including a tour of duty in Iraq, Colonel Cynthia Millonzi (Army National Guard, Texas) is facing actions to remove her from her Military and Civil Service positions less than one year from retirement. Even though illegal under Federal Law, Colonel Millonzi is the target of gender and sexual orientation discrimination.
This is a benefit for Colonel Millonzi’s Legal Defense Fund. Join us for an evening of music from Deann René, Kit Holmes, Lisa Marshall, Jean Synodinos, The David Henderson Band, “Young and Rusty” and many others! The list of performers keeps growing so check the website or Facebook event often! $25 minimum suggested donation at the door (what ever amount you can give is graciously welcomed!). Cash bar and full menu available.
Visit http://kitkitchen.wix.com/causeforthecolonel for more information or to donate directly.
Read Cynthia’s story – http://www.lstylegstyle.com/stories/finally-fearless/
Visit the FaceBook Event page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/321182721419655/?ref_dashboard_filter=calendar.
Follow us on Twitter: @cause4colonel.